Introductions are awkward, so let's just dive right in.

Hey there, soon-to-be loyal readers! Welcome to my blog. A deep look at the inside of my brain during my sophomore year. Instead of your typical first blog post, outlining what I hope to discuss in this blog, I decided to add this fancy little gadget to the side of my page. This blog is basically about the crazy true things that have been happening to myself/my friends/the student body at my run of the mill school in good ol' Colorado. As soon as the posts start going up, you'll know pretty much what I'm hoping to...achieve? anyways... Happy Reading!
Your adoring blogger

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The X files of London/Paris

Grace and our resident piercing professional, Ana

Alicia and our history teacher (who was there supervising the whole thing)

Noah goes in for his two piercings on one ear.

I had to have her hold my hand because I was scared.

Recently, I went to London and Paris with my school on a trip.
Despite all the amazing architecture, art and historical things we saw, the best part was coming home with three new holes punched in my ears.
While my mom was not happy to begin with, but once she discovered that I had pierced my ears in a french hotel room with a safety pin to do so, she was less than thrilled. Above is an archive of pictures that I didn't put on facebook from the night that all 14 or so of us got a few more piercings. Although, there's only a few of us pictured.

Turning 16 is...

About a month a go, I turned 16. And I think it' s kind of hypocritical that I haven't posted anything about it on my blog because my blog is ABOUT being sixteen.

Let me just start out by saying that it is not turning sixteen that rocks: It's getting the license that does. Along with my license my rentals purchased a 2002 Jeep from my grandparents all for my very own usage. Now, I can go everywhere and anywhere...assuming I have enough money for gas. I also had some wonderful friends who decided to tag it while we were at lunch...the paint from which I still have not been able to get off.

Along with the car came an awesome sweet sixteen bash. The amazing thing about time passing is realizing how your relationships have changed. Some of the friends I had over were new, some were friends I made at the start of high school, and others I have known since I was small, but no matter who came, it was about the love and the support...and of course the presents ;)

I don't know exactly what the 16th year will hold, but I'm hoping it will be awesome. The school year is about to end and for me, I'm all about the possibilities of summer. Anything can happen, right?